Honorary Consulate of Jamaica in Atlanta, United States of America
1823 Chedworth La., Stone Mountain, 30087
Tel.: (404) 908-6216
Honorary Consulate of Jamaica in Boston, United States of America
351 Massachusetts Av., 02115
Tel.: (617) 266-8604
Honorary Consulate of Jamaica in Chicago, United States of America
28 E. Jackson St., Suite 1009, 60604
Tel.: (312) 663-0023
Honorary Consulate of Jamaica in Dallas, United States of America
3068 Forrest La., 75234
Tel.: (972) 396-7969
Honorary Consulate of Jamaica in Houston, United States of America
7737 Southwest Fw., Suite 580, 77074
Tel.: (713) 541-3333
General Consulate of Jamaica in Miami, United States of America
842 Ingraham Bldg., 25 2nd Av., S.E., 33131
Tel.: (305) 374-8431
Honorary Consulate of Jamaica in Los Angeles, United States of America
Venice Medical Clinic, 8703 Venice Bl., 90034
Tel.: (310) 559-3822
Honorary Consulate of Jamaica in Richmond, United States of America
1631 Westbrook Av., 23227
Tel.: (804) 262-4453
Honorary Consulate of Jamaica in San Francisco, United States of America
1001 Potrero Av., Suite NH1N1, 94110.
Tel.: (415) 206-5717
Honorary Consulate of Jamaica in Seattle, United States of America
8223 S. 222nd St., Kent, 98032
Tel.: (206) 872-8950
Embassy of Jamaica
in Washington, United States of America - WEB-site
Permanent Mission
of Jamaica to the United Nations in New York -
Consulate of Japan in Agana (Guam), United States - WEB-site
Consulate of Japan in Anchorage, United States of America -
Consulate of Japan in Atlanta, United States of America -
External Trade Organization in Atlanta, United States -
Consulate of Japan in Boston, United States of America
- WEB-site
Honorary Consulate of Japan in Bufalo, United States of America
85 Windsor Av., 14209
Tel.: (716) 884-2376
Consulate of Japan in Casper, United States of America
111 W. 14th St., 82601
Tel.: (307) 234-2317
Japan External Trade
Organization in Chicago, United States - WEB-site
Consulate of Japan in Chicago, United States of America
- WEB-site
Consulate of Japan in Columbus, United States of America
Oxley, 1712 Neil Av., Suite 325, 43210
Tel.: (614) 292-3345
Consulate of Japan in Connecticut, United States of America
Avon, 50 Tower La., 06001
Tel.: (860) 677-9707
Consulate of Japan in Dallas, United States of America
7115 Fernmeadow Ci., 75248
Tel.: (972) 661-2346
Consulate of Japan in Detroit, United States of America -
Consulate of Japan in High Point, United States of America
305 W. High St., Suite 416, 27260
Consulate of Japan in Honolulu, United States of America -
Consulate of Japan in Houston, United States of America -
Japan External
Trade Organization in Houston, United States - WEB-site
Consulate of Japan in Indianapolis, United States of America
11 S. Meridian St., 46204
Tel.: (317) 231-7227
Consulate of Japan in Kansas City (Now Chicago), USA -
Consulate of Japan in Los Angeles, United States of America -
Japan External
Trade Organization in Los Angeles, United States - WEB-site
Consulate of Japan in Miami, United States of America
- WEB-site
Consulate of Japan in Minneapolis, United States of America
603 E. Lake St., Wayzata, 55391
Consulate of Japan in Mobile, United States of America
358 East Byron Av., 36609
Tel.: (334) 342-6654
Consulate of Japan in Nashville, United States of America
Nelson Capitol Corp., 3401 West End Bldg., Suite 300, 37203
Tel.: (615) 292-8787
Consulate of Japan in New Orleans, United States -
General Consulate of Japan
in New York, United States of America - WEB-site
Japan External
Trade Organization in New York, United States - WEB-site
Consulate of Japan in Omaha, United States of America
412 N. 85th St., 68114
Tel.: (402) 399-0928
Fax: (402) 399-1796
Consulate of Japan in Philadelphia, United States of America
140 Jaffrey Rd., Malvern, 19355
Tel.: (610) 644-4507
Consulate of Japan in Portland, United States of America -
Honorary Consulate of Japan in San Diego, United States of America
10455 Pomerado Rd., 92131
Tel.: (619) 635-4537
General Consulate of
Japan in San Francisco, United States - WEB-site
Japan External
Trade Organization in San Francisco, United States -
Consulate of Japan in San Juan, Puerto Rico
530 Ponce De Leon Av., 00902
Tel.: (787) 722-0483
Consulate of Japan in Seattle, United States of America -
Consulate of Japan in St Louis, United States of America
46 Briarcliff St., 63124
Tel.: (314) 994-1133
Fax: (314) 994-1133
Embassy of Japan
in Washington D.C., United States of America - WEB-site
Japan International
Cooperation Agency in Washington, USA - WEB-site
Permanent Mission
of Japan to the United Nations in New York - WEB-site
Honorary Consulate of Jordan in Detroit, United States of America
28551 Southfield Road, Suite 203, Lathrup Village, Michigan 48076
Tel.: (248) 557-4377
Fax: (248) 557-4517
Consulate of Jordan in Houston, United States of America
723 Main St., Suite 408, P.O. Box 3727, Houston, TX 77253
Tel.: (713) 224-2911
Fax: (713) 228-8650
Consulate of Jordan in New York, United States of America
866 Second Avenue, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10017
Tel.: (212) 832-0119
Fax: (212) 832-5346
Honorary Consulate of Jordan in San Francisco, United States of America
972 Mission Street, 4th Floor, California 94103
Tel.: (415) 546-1155
Fax: (415) 546-4041
Embassy of
Jordan in Washington, United States of America - WEB-site
Jordan Tourism Board
in Arlington, United States of America - WEB-site

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