Consular Section of the U.S. Embassy in Santo Domingo
Telephone: (809) 221-2171
Fax: (809) 685-6959
E-mail: irc[at]
U.S. Diplomatic Mission to Dominican Republic
Santo Domingo (E), corner of Calle Cesar Nicolas Penson and
Calle Leopoldo Navarro -- Unit 5500, APO AA 34041-5500, Tel [809] 221-2171,
afterhours Tel 221-8100 or 562-3560, Fax 686-7437; CON Tel 221-5511, Fax
685-6959; AID Tel 221-1100, Fax 221-0444; INS Tel 221-0113, Fax 221-0110;
PC Tel 685-4102, Fax 686-3241. Fax 686-4326; ADM ext. 255, Fax 686-7166;
FCS ext. 400, Fax 688-4838; PAO ext. 486, Fax 541-1828; DEA ext. 381,
Fax 685-7507; DAO ext. 220, Fax 687-5222; MAAG ext. 487, Fax 682-3991;
APHIS ext. 357, Fax 686-0979; AGR ext. 344, Fax 685-4743; ECO/POL x 335
Fax 686-4038