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Ukrainian embassies worldwide (Starting with “G”) Mon - Feb, 10 2025

See also: Ukrainian Embassies Worldwide

[ Ukraine home page ]

- Ukrainian Embassies and Consulates worldwide

- Foreign Embassies and Consulates in Ukraine

See also: The National Anthem of Ukraine

Ukrainian embassies worldwide (choose a letter):

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Ukrainian Embassy in Guinea

Address: Republique de Guinee, Commune Calum,
Corniche Nord, Quartier Camayenne B.P. 1350

Phone: (224) 45 37 56
Fax: (224) 45 37 95
Working hours: 08:30 - 14:30

e-mail: emb_gv@mfa.gov.ua
e-mail: ambgv@sotelgui.net.gn

Ukrainian Embassy in Georgia

Address: 19, Rue des freres Benhafid, Hydra, Alger, Algerie

Phone: (8-10-213-21) 69 13 87
Fax: (8-10-213-21) 69 48 87
Working hours: 08:30 - 17:30, 13:00 - 15:00

e-mail: emb_dz@mfa.gov.ua
e-mail: ukambas@gecos.net

Ukrainian Embassy in Germany

Address: Albrechtstrasse 2610117 Berlin, Deutschland/Germany

Phone: (4930) 288 87 116
Fax: (4930) 288 87 163
Working hours: 08:30 - 18:00

e-mail: emb_de@mfa.gov.ua
e-mail: ukremb@t-online.de

site: www.botschaft-ukraine.de

Ukrainian Embassy in Greece & Albania

Address: 15237, 2-4 Stephanou Delta Str., Filothei, Athens, Greece

Phone: (301) 68 00 230
Fax: (301) 68 54 154
Working hours: 09:00 - 16:00

e-mail: ukrembas@otenet.gr
e-mail: emb_gr@mfa.gov.ua

site: www.ukrembas.gr

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