of Turkey in Canberra, Australia
Embassy of Turkey in Baku, Azerbaijan:
Hagani Kucesi No. 27, Baku
Tel: (99-412) 98 8133
Fax: (99-412) 98 83 49
E-mail: bakube@artel.net.az
Embassy of Turkey in Brasilia, Brazil:
Ses Av-Das Nacoes, Lote 23, 70 452 Brasilia Df.
Tel: (55-61) 242 1850, 244 4840
Fax: (55-61) 242 1448
E-mail: emb.turquia@conectanet.com.br
Embassy of Turkey in Beijing, China:
San Li Tun, Dong Wu Jie No. 9, 100600 Beijing
Tel: (86-10) 653 226 50, 653 227 12
Fax: (86-10) 653 254 80
E-mail: trkelcn@public.bta.net.cn
Embassy of
Turkey in Copenhagen, Denmark
Embassy of
Turkey in Berlin, Germany
Embassy of Turkey in Athens, Greece:
8, Vassileos Gheorgiou B Street, 10674 Athens
Tel: (30-1) 726 30 00 (9 lines)
Fax: (30-1) 722 95 97
E-mail: turkembgr@hol.gr
Embassy of Turkey in Rome, Italy:
Via Palestro, 28, 00185 Rome
Tel: (39-06) 494 1547, 446 9932
Fax: (39-06) 494 1526
E-mail: roma.be@libero.it
Embassy of Turkey
in Tokyo, Japan
Turkish National
Tourist Office in Tokyo, Japan
of Turkey in Safat, Kuwait
Embassy of Turkey in Wellington, New Zealand:
15-17 Murphy Street, Level 8, Wellington
Tel: (64-4) 472 1290, 472 1292
Fax: (64 -4) 472 1277
E-mail: TURKEM@xtra.co.nz
Embassy of Turkey in Singapore, Singapore:
20-B Nassim Road, Singapore 258397
Tel: (65) 732 9211, 732 7646
Fax: (65) 738 1786
E-mail: turksin@singnet.com.sg
Embassy of
Turkey in Madrid, Spain
Embassy of Turkey in Stockholm, Sweden:
Dag Hammarskjölds Vag 20, 115 27 Stockholm
Tel: (46-8) 23 0840
Fax: (46-8) 663 5514
E-mail: turkbe@turkemb.se
Turkish Embassy in Damascus, Syria
Turkish Embassy
Abou Romaneh
Tel1: + 963 11 3331411
Embassy of Turkey in Bangkok, Thailand:
61/1 SOI, Chatsan Suthisarn Road, Bangkok 10310
Tel: (662) 274 7262, 274 7263
Fax: (6 62) 274 7261
E-mail: tcturkbe@mail.cscoms.com
of Turkey in London, United Kingdom
General Consulate
of Turkey in Chicago, United States of America
Consulate of Turkey in Los Angeles, United States of America
Permanent Mission
of Turkey to The United Nations in New York, U.S.A.
of Turkey in Washington, United States of America
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