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Russian embassies worldwide (Starting with “S”) Mon - Feb, 10 2025

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- Russian Embassies and Consulates worldwide

- Foreign Embassies and Consulates in Russia

Russian embassies worldwide (choose a letter):

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The total combat losses of the russian enemy from 24.02 till now were approximately:

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Address: Saudi Arabia, P.O.Box 94308 Riyadh 11693 Russian Embassy, Al-Wasiti str., Rahmania, bld. 13
Phone: +966 1 481-1875, 481-1801
Fax: +966 1 481-1890
Telex: (495) 407890 SUEMBS SJ
E-mail: rusposolksa@zajil.net

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +966 1 481-1875, 481-1432
Fax: +966 1 481-1890
Telex: (495) 407890

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Address: Saudi Arabia, Jeddah, Al-Hamra'a dist-2, Hassan Yamani str., 59
Phone: +966 2 665-9255, 665-9212, 665-9233
Fax: +966 2 665-9232
Telex: 607397
E-mail: Ruscons@zajil.net

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Edinburgh, Scotland

Address: The Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Edinburgh, Consular Section, 58 Melville Street, Edinburgh
EH3 7HF, Scotland
Phone: +44 131.225.7098
Fax: +44 131.225.9587

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Dakar, Senegal

Address: Ambassade de la Federation de Russie au Senegal, Avenue Jean Jaures x Rue Carnot, B.P. 3180, Dakar, Republique du Senegal
Phone: +221 822-4821, 822-2325
Fax: +221 821-1372
Telex: (906) 21432 AMBURSS SG
E-mail: Consru@telecomplus.sn,

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +221 821-5960
Fax: +221 821-1372
Telex: (906) 21432

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Victoria, Seychelles

Address: Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Seychelles, P.O. Box 632, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles
Phone: +248 266-590, 266-122
Fax: +248 266-653
Telex: (965) 2392 SOVEMB SZ
E-mail: rfembsey@seychelles.net

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +248 266-590
Fax: +248 266-653
Telex: (965)2392

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Singapore, Singapore

Address: 51, Nassim Road, Singapore 258439
Phone: +65 6235-1834, 6235-1832
Fax: +65 6733-4780
Telex: (87) 23404 SUPOSOL RS
E-mail: rosposol@pacific.net.sg
Web Site: Embassy of Russia in Singapore

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +65 6737-0048, 6235-1834
Fax: +65 6733-4780
Telex: (87) 23071
E-mail: rosposol@pacific.net.sg

390 Orchard Road #13-04
Palais Renaissance, Singapore 238871
Telephone: 6737-6221
Fax: 6235-0749

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Bratislava, Slovakia

Address: ul. Gorodova 4, 81106, Bratislava, Slovenska Republika
Phone: +421 7 5441-5823, 5441-3468,
Fax: +421 7 5443-4910
Telex: 92570 AMRF SK
E-mail: embrus@gtinet.sk

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +421 7 5441-4664
Fax: +421 7 5441-2389

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Pretoria, South Africa

Address: Embassy of the Russian Federation, 316 Brooks Street Butano Building, Menlo Park 0081, Pretoria, P.O. Box 6743, Pretoria 0001, Republic of South Africa
Phone: +27 12 362-1337, 362-1338
Fax: +27 12 362-0116
Telex: (95) 320088 RUSEM SA
E-mail: ruspospr@mweb.co.za
WEB: Embassy of Russia in South Africa

Consular and Visa Department
Address: Consular office, 135 Bourke Street, Sunnyside 0132, P.O. Box 5715, Pretoria 0001, Republic of South Africa
Phone: +27 12 334-4812, 344-4820
Fax: +27 12 124-328-42, 343-8636
Telex: 95320088

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Cape Town, South Africa

Address: Consulate General of the Russian Federation, 2-nd Floor, Southern Life Centre, 8 Riebeek Street, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa
Phone: +27 21 418-3656, 418-3657
Fax: +27 21 419-2651
Telex: 95521518
E-mail: rusco@icon.co.za

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Madrid, Spain

Address: Madrid, C/Velazquez, 155
Phone: +34 91 411-2524, 562-2264, 411-0807
Fax: +34 91 562-9712
E-mail: embrues@arrakis.es
WEB: Embassy of Russia in Spain

Consular and Visa Department
Address: Madrid, c/Joaquin Costa, 33
Phone: +34 91 411-2957
Fax: +34 91 562-7830
Telex: (52) 47677 KOSU E
E-mail: consmd@arrakis.es

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Barcelona, Spain

Address: Barcelona, av. Pearson, 34
Phone: +34 93 280-0220, 204-0246(phone/fax)
Fax: +34 5 280-5541
Telex: (52) 97713 URSS E
E-mail: Consulado-ruso@ben.servicom.es,

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Colombo, Sri-Lanka

Address: Embassy of the Russian Federation, 62 Sir Ernest de Silva Mawatha, Colombo-7, Sri-Lanka
Phone: +94 1 574-959, 573-555
Fax: +94 1 574-957,
686-864 (Trade Delegation)
Telex: (803) 22751 SUEMB CE
E-mail: rusembsl@itmin.com

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +94 1 573-555, 574-959
Fax: +94 1 574-957
Telex: (803) 22751 SUEMB

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Khartoum, Sudan

Address: P.O. Box 1161, B1.A.10, Street 5, New-Extension, Khartoum, the Republic of Sudan
Phone: +249 11 471-042
Fax: +249 11 471-239
Telex: (984) 24304 MCE SD
E-mail: rfsudan@hotmail.com

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +249 11 471-042, 451-042
Fax: +249 11 471-239
Telex: (984) 24304

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Stockholm, Sweden

Address: Gjorwellsgatan 31, 11260 Stockholm, Sverige
Phone: +46 8 130-441, 130-443
Fax: +46 8 618-2703
Telex: (54) 14830 PGB S
E-mail: rusembassy@telia.com
WEB: Ryska Federationens Ambassad i Konungariket Sverige

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +46 8 619-0470, 619-0405
Fax: +46 8 656-4485
Telex: (54) 14830
E-mail: info.consrust@telia.com
WEB: Consular and Visa Department

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Gothenburg, Sweden

Address: St. Sigfridsgatan 1, Box 5093, 40222 Goteborg, Sverige
Phone: +46 31 408-084, 206-093, 409-846
Fax: +46 31 408-900
Telex: (54) 27637 SGK S
E-mail: consrugt@swipnet.se

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Berne, Switzerland

Address: Brunnadernrain 37, 3006 Bern, die Schweiz
Phone: +41 31 352-0566, 352-8517
Fax: +41 31 352-5595
Telex: (45) 911297 BERN CH
E-mail: rusbotschaft@datacomm.ch
WEB: Russische Botschaft in der Schweiz

Postal Address: Botschaft der Russischen Föderation in der Schweiz Konsularabteilung
Postfach 268
3000 Bern - 15

Consular and Visa Department
Address: Brunnadernstrasse 53, 3006 Bern, Schweiz
Phone: +41 31 352-0567
+41 031 352-0425 (Anrufbeantworter: Visainformation auf Deutsch, rund um die Uhr)
Fax: +41 31 352-6460
Telex: (45) 911297
WEB: Consular and Visa Department
Open: Montag, Mittwoch und Freitag:
von 9.00 bis 12.00 Uhr

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Geneva, Switzerland

Address: Rue Schaub 24, 1202 Geneva, Suisse
Phone: +41 22 734-7955, 734-9083
Fax: +41 22 740-3470
Telex: (45) 412238 CGSU
E-mail: consulat.russie@bluewin.ch
WEB: Consulate General of Russia in Geneva, Switzerland

Permanent representation at UN of the Russian Federation in Geneva, Switzerland

Address: Avenue de la Paix, 1202 Genevea, Suisse
Phone: +41 22 733-1870, 734-6630, 734-1702
Fax: +41 22 734-4044
Telex: (45) 412238 CGSU CH
E-mail: mission.russia@ties.itu.int

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Damascus, Syria

Address: Omar Ben Al Khattab str., Adauwi, Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic
Phone: +963 11 442-3155, 442-3156
Fax: +963 11 442-3156
Telex: (492) 411674 CONDAM SY
E-mail: ruscons@net.sy

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +963 11 442-3165, 442-2011
Fax: +963 11 442-2011
Telex: (492) 411674
E-mail: ruscons@net.sy

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Aleppo, Syria

Address: El Mouhafazat, Aleppo, Syrian Arab Republic, P.O.Box 1050
Phone: +963 21 223-2401, 220-856
Fax: +963 21 222-0856
Telex: (492) 331818
E-mail: gencons@net.sy

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