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Russian embassies worldwide (Starting with “C”) Wed - Jan, 15 2025

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- Russian Embassies and Consulates worldwide

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Russian embassies worldwide (choose a letter):

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | VW | XYZ

The total combat losses of the russian enemy from 24.02 till now were approximately:

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Address: Ambassade de la Federation de Russie,
213, Blvd. Sothearos, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Phone: +855 23 722-081, 720-931
Fax: +855 23 426-776
E-mail: Russemba@forum.org.kh

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +855 23 427-694
Fax: +855 23 216-776

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Yaounde, Cameroon

Address: Ambassade de la Federation de Russie en Republique du Cameroun, Quartier Bastos, B.P. 488, Yaounde, Cameroun
Phone: +237 201-714
Fax: +237 207-891
Telex: (970) 8859 AMRUS KN
E-mail: Rusco@icon.co.za, consrusse@camnet.cm

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +237 201-714
Fax: +237 207-891
Telex: 9708859

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Ottawa, Canada

Address: Embassy of the Russian Federation, 285 Charlotte Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K 1 N 8 L 5, Canada
Phone: +1 613 235-4341, 236-1413
Fax: +1 613 236-6342
Telex: (26) 0533332/0533514
E-mail: Rusemb@intranet.ca, rusemb@netcom.ca

Consular and Visa Department
Address: Embassy of the Russian Federation, Consular Division, 52 Range Road, Ottawa, Ontario, K 1 N 8 J 5, Canada
Phone: +1 613 336-7220, 336-0920
Fax: +1 613 238-6158
Telex: (21) 0533396 CONSUL OTT

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Toronto, Canada

Address: Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Toronto, 130 Bloor St West Suite 700 Toronto Ontario M5S 1N5 Canada
Phone: +1 416 962 99 11
Fax: +1 416 962 66 11
Telex: (26) 0533332/0533514
E-mail: rusconsul@bellnet.ca
Web page http://www.toronto.mid.ru

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Montreal, Canada

Address: Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Montreal, 3685, Avenue de Musee, Montreal, Quebec, H 3 G 2 E 1, Canada
Phone: +1 514 843-5901, 842-5343
Fax: +1 514 842-2012
Telex: (26) 05560469 MTL
Web page http://www.consulat.pisem.net/en.html

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Praia, Cabo Verde

Address: Embaixada da Federacao da Russia na Republica da Cabo Verde, C.P. 31, Achada de Santo Antonio, Praia, Cabo Verde
Phone: +238 622-739, 622-740
(Ambassador residency)
Fax: +238 622-738
Telex: (993) 6016 EMB URSS CV
E-mail: embrus@mail.cvtelecom.cv

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +238 622-738, 622-739
Fax: +238 622-738
Telex: 9936016 EMB URSS CV

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Bangui, Central African Republic

Address: Ambassade de la Federation de Russie, Rue Fourreau-Lamy, B.P. 1405, Bangui, Republique Centrafricaine
Phone: +236 610-311
Fax: +236 615-645
Telex: (971) 5272 SOVAMB RC
E-mail: ruscons@intnet.cf, rcacons@yahoo.fr

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +236 610-311
Fax: +236 615-645
Telex: (971) 5272

Embassy of the Russian Federation in N'Djamena, Chad

Address: Ambassade de la Federation de Russie en Republique du Tchad, 2 Rue Adjudant Collin, B.P. 891, N'Djamena, Republique du Tchad
Phone: +235 515-719
Fax: +235 513-172
Telex: (976) 5241 AMBASOV KD
E-mail: amrus@intnet.td

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +235 515-719
Fax: +235 513-172
Telex: (976) 5241

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Santiago, Chile

Address: Calle Cristobal Colon, 4152, las Condes, Santiago, Chile
Phone: +56 2 208-3413, 206-1386, 208-4918 (Residence of the Ambassador)
Fax: +56 2 206-1386
Telex: (34) 240183 EMRUS CL
E-mail: Embrusia@netline.cl, embrusia@netlive.cl
Website: http://www.chile.mid.ru/

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +56 2 208-3413
Fax: +56 2 206-1386
Telex: (34) 240183 CL

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Beijing, China

Address: 100600, Beijing, 4 Dongzhimennei Beizhongjie
Phone: +86 10 6532-2051, 6532-1381
Fax: +86 10 6532-4851
Telex: (85) 22247 SOVEN CN

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +86 10 6532-1267, 6532-1991
Fax: +86 10 6532-4853
Telex: (85) 22247 SOVEN CN

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Hong Kong, China

Address: 2932, 29/Fl., Sun Hung Kai Centre, 30 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Phone: +852 2877-7188, 2877-5024
Fax: +852 2877-7166
E-mail: cgrushk@hknet.com

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Shanghai, China

Address: 200080, Shanghai, Huangpu Road, 20
Phone: +86 21 6324-8383, 6324-2682
Fax: +86 21 6306-9982
Telex: (85) 337020
E-mail: consul@online.sh.cn

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Shenyang, China

Address: 110031, Liaoning province, Shenyang Huange South st., 109, "Fenghuang" Hotel
Phone: +86 24 611-4963
Fax: +86 24 611-4964
Telex: (85) 804154
E-mail: ruscons@pub.sy.ln.cn, ambrus@ic.cn

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Bogota, Colombia

Address: Carrera 4, 75-00 Apartado Aereo, 90600 Santafe de Bogota, D.E. Colombia
Phone: +57 1 212-1881, 212-5560
Fax: +57 1 210-4694
Telex: (35) 44722 URSS CO
E-mail: embajadarusia@cable.net.co rusposol@cable.net.co

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +57 1 212-1881, 212-5560, 310-0728
Fax: +57 1 210-4694
Telex: 3544722

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Brazzaville, Congo

Address: Ambassade de la Federation de Russie Av. Gouverneur General Felix Eboue B.P. 2132 Brazzaville Republique du Congo
Phone: +242 811-923
Fax: +242 815-085
E-mail: amrussie@congonet.cg

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +242 811-923, 815-085
Fax: +242 816-917
Telex: 9815455

Embassy of the Russian Federation in San-Jose, Costa Rica

Address: Embajada de la Federacion de Rusia, Apartado postal 6340-1000, San Jose, Costa Rica
Phone: +506 256-9181
Fax: +506 221-2054
E-mail: emrusa@sol.racsa.co.cr

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +506 221-1639
Fax: +506 272-1042
Telex: 3762299

Consular Department of Embassy of the Russian Federation in San Jose, Costa Rica

Address: Embajada de la Federacion de Rusia, Seccion Consular, Barrio Escalante, de la Iglesia Sta. Teresita, 100 metros al Norte 150 metros al Este, San Jose, Costa Rica
Phone: +506 221-1639
Fax: +506 272-1042
Telex: 3762299

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire

Address: Ambassade de la Federation de Russie, B.P. 583 CIDEX 3 Abidjan-Riviera, Republique de Cote d'Ivoire
Phone: +225 430-390, 430-959
Fax: +225 431-166
Telex: (983) 27178 AMBURS C
E-mail: ambrus@globeaccess.net

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +225 430-050
Fax: +225 431-166
Telex: 98327178

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Zagreb, Croatia

Address: 41000 Zagreb, Bosanska ulica, 44
Phone: +384 1 375-5038
Fax: +384 1 375-5040
E-mail: veleposlanstvo-ruske-federacije@zg.tel.hr

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +384 1 375-5038
Fax: +384 1 375-5040
Telex: 6221343

Embassy of the Russian Federation in La Habana, Cuba

Address: Embajada de la Federacion de Rusia, 5-a Avenida, N 6402, entre 62 y 66, Miramar,
La Habana, Cuba
Phone: +53 7 331-085, 331-749, 332-686, 331-080
Fax: +53 7 331-038
Telex: (28) 511281 EMURSS CU
E-mail: embrusia@cenial.inf.cu

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +53 7 241-074, 241-086 , 241-749
Fax: +53 7 241-038
Telex: 28511281

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Santiago de Cuba, Cuba

Address: Consulado General de la Federacion de Rusia, Calle 4, esq. 7, N 202, Vista Alegre, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
Phone: +53 226 8-6146
Fax: +53 226 8-6146
E-mail: gkrfsdc@ip.etecsa.cu

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Nicosia, Cyprus

Address: Ag. Prokopiou street, 2406, Engomi, Nicosia, Republic of Cyprus
Phone: +357 2 774-622, 772-141, 272-142
Fax: +357 2 774-854
Telex: (605) 5808 SOVEMB CY
E-mail: transl@cytanet.com.cy
Web Site: http://www.cyprus.mid.ru/cyprus/en/posros.htm

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +357 2 776-832
Fax: +357 2 774-854, 773-030
Telex: (605) 5808 SOVEMB SU
E-mail: consul@cylink.com.cy

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Prague, Czech Republic

Address: nam. Pod Kastany 1, Praha 6 - Bubenec, Ceska Republika
Phone: +420 2 3337-4100, 3337-1545
Fax: +420 2 3337-7235
Telex: (66) 122254 SSSR C
E-mail: rusembas@bohem-net.cz, rusembassy@cdnet.org

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +420 2 3337-4093
Fax: +420 2 3337-7235
Telex: (66) 122254

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Brno, Czech Republic

Address: ul. Petra Velikeho 18, 36000 Karlovy Vary, Ceska Republika
Phone: +420 17 322-1325
Fax: +420 17 322-6261
E-mail: gkkv@iol.cz

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic

Address: ul. Petra Velikeho 18, 36000 Karlovy Vary, Ceska Republika
Phone: +420 17 322-1325
Fax: +420 17 322-6261
E-mail: gkkv@iol.cz

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