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Russian embassies worldwide (Starting with “B”) Thu - Nov, 07 2024

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- Russian Embassies and Consulates worldwide

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Russian embassies worldwide (choose a letter):

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The total combat losses of the russian enemy from 24.02 till now were approximately:

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Manama, Bahrain

Address: Bahrain, Manama, P.O.Box ? 26612
Phone: +973 725-222
Fax: +973 725-921
Telex: (0490) 7006 SOVEMB BN
E-mail: rusemb@batelco.com.bh

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +973 259-707, 725-222
Fax: +973 725-921
Telex: 4907006

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Address: Embassy of the Russian Federation,
House ? NE (J) 9, Road 79, Gulshan,
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Phone: +880 2 601-050, 888-147, 888-142
Fax: +880 2 883-735
Telex: (780) 632310 SOVEM BJ
E-mail: rusemb@citechco.net, russia@citechco.net

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +880 2 (9) 881-680
Fax: +880 2 (9) 883-735
Telex: (780) 632310 SOVEM BJ

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Chittagong, Bangladesh

Address: Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Chittagong, House #1, Road #6, Khulshi R.A., Chittagong, Bangladesh (G.P.O. Box ? 1001)
Phone: +880 654-154
Fax: +880 654-157
E-mail: citcho@mail.ru

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Minsk, Belarus

Address: 220002, Minsk, 48 Starovilenskaya st.
Phone: +375 172 503-666
Fax: +375 172 503-664
Telex: (64) 300328
E-mail: webmaster@cis.minsk.by karp@rusamb.belpak.minsk.by

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +375 172 503-666, 224-979, 224-975, 224-981, 224-985
Fax: +375 172 224-980
Telex: 681300328

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Brest, Belarus

Address: 224030, 224030, Brest, 19 Vorovskogo St.
Phone: +375 162 201-730, 204-657, 222-473
Fax: +375 162 222-473, 201-730

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Brussels, Belgium

Address: Avenue de Fre, 66, Bruxelles, 1180, Belgique
Phone: +32 2 374-3400, 5738, 6886
Fax: +32 2 374-2613

Consular and Visa Department
Address: Rue Roberts-Jones 78, 1180 Uccle, Bruxelles, Belgique
Phone: +32 2 374-3569
Fax: +32 2 375-9415

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Antwerpen, Belgium

Address: Antwerpen, Della Faillelaan, 20, Belgique
Phone: +32 3 829-1611
Fax: +32 3 829-0589
Telex: (46) 35779 KGURSS B

Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the EU in Brussels, Belgium

Address: 56, Avenue Lepoutre, Bruxelles, Belgique
Phone: +32 2 343-0339, 346-2385, 347-4374
Fax: +32 2 346-2453
Telex: via the embassy

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Cotonou, Benin

Address: Ambassade de la Federation de Russie en Republique du Benin, B.P. 2013, Cotonou, Republique du Benin
Phone: +229 312-834
Fax: +229 312-835
Telex: (972) 5204 TASSCT NOV
E-mail: benamrus@leland.bj

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +229 312-835
Fax: +229 312-835
Telex: 9725008
E-mail: consrus@intnet.bj

Embassy of the Russian Federation in La Paz, Bolivia

Address: Bolivia, La Paz, Calacoto, Avenida Arequipa, N 8129
Phone: +591 2 786-419, 792-108, 790-136
Fax: +591 2 786-531
Telex: (307) 2480 EMSOV BV
E-mail: embrusia@ceibo.entelnet.bo

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +591 2 786-470
Fax: +591 2 786-531
Telex: 3072480

Representation of the Russian Federation in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina

Address: ul. Ejuba Ademovica, 9, Sarajevo, Bosnia i Hercegovina
Phone: +387 71 668-147, 668-148
Fax: +387 71 668-148
E-mail: psrf@bih.net.ba

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +387 71 210-913
Fax: +387 71 668-147, 668-148

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Gaborone, Botswana

Address: Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Botswana, Tawana Close 4711, Gaborone, Botswana, P.O. Box 81
Phone: +267 353-389
Fax: +267 352-930
Telex: (962) 2595 URSSE BD
E-mail: embrus@info.bw

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +267 353-739, 5-3389
Fax: +267 352-930
Telex: 9622595

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Brazilia, Brazil

Address: Avenida das Nacoes, SES, lote A, Quadra 801, Brasilia - DF, Brasil CEP 70476-900
Phone: +55 61 223-3094, 223-4094
Fax: +55 61 226-7319
Telex: (38) 611273 ERUS BR
E-mail: embrus@linkexpress.com.br
Web Site: http://users.linkexpress.com.br/embrus/

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +55 61 223-5094
Fax: +55 61 223-5094
Telex: 38611273
E-mail: consrus@tba.com.br

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Sao-Paulo, Brazil

Address: Rua Groenlandia, 808, bairro Jardim America, CEP 014-000, Sao-Paulo, SP, Brazil
Phone: +55 11 3064-1591
Fax: +55 11 3064-1591
E-mail: consul_sp@teknobank.com.br

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Rio-de-Janeiro, Brazil

Address: Rua Professor Azevedo Marques 50, CEP 22450 Leblon, Rio-de-Janeiro, Brazil
Phone: +55 21 274-0097
Fax: +55 21 294-4945
Telex: (38) 2130197 CGSU BR
E-mail: consulado.russia@radnet.com.br
Open hours: from 8:30 to 13:00; from 15:00 to 17:30

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Sofia, Bulgaria

Address: 28 Dragan Tsankov bul., Sofia, Bulgaria
Phone: +359 2 963-1663, 963-0914, 963-0912
Fax: +359 2 963-4103, 963-4116
Telex: (67) 22535 VNESHT BG (through trade delegation)
E-mail: rebus@datacom.bg

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +359 2 963-4021
Fax: +359 2 963-4116
Telex: (67) 24952
E-mail: consulate@datacom.bg,

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Ruse, Bulgaria

Address: 1 Nish ul., Ruse, Bulgaria
Phone: +359 82 822-249
Fax: +359 82 450-757
E-mail: gkrf@elits.rousse.bg

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Varna, Bulgaria

Address: 53 Makedoniya ul., Varna, Bulgaria
Phone: +359 52 662-718, 662-721
Fax: +359 52 602-722
Telex: (67) 77364 UKSSR BG
E-mail: Consul.Rusia@nat.bg

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Bujumbura, Burundi

Address: Ambassade de la Federation de Russie en Republique du Burundi, 71 Avenue de l'UPRONA, B.P. 1034, Bujumbura, Burundi
Phone: +257 2 2-2984
Fax: +257 2 2-2984
Telex: (903) 5164 URSSE BD
E-mail: ustas@cbinf.com

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +257 2 2-6098

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