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Russian embassies worldwide (Starting with “A”) Mon - Feb, 10 2025

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See also: The National Anthem of the Russian Pederation

- Russian Embassies and Consulates worldwide

- Foreign Embassies and Consulates in Russia

Russian embassies worldwide (choose a letter):

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | VW | XYZ

The total combat losses of the russian enemy from 24.02 till now were approximately:

Russian Consulate in Kabul, Afghanistan

Russian consulate in Kabul: Dar-UI-Aman Wat, Kabul
Phone: (+93) 41541, 21261, 44809

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Tirana, Albania

Address: Azim Zeneli st., 5, Tirana, Albania
Phone: +355.42.34500
Fax: +355.42.32253
Telex: (604) 2121 AMBRUS AB
E-mail: rusemb@icc.al.eu.org

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +355.42.30544, 34218
Fax: +355.42.32253
Telex: (604) 2121 AMBRUS AB

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Alger, Algeria

Phone: +213.2.923139, 923184, 782614
Fax: +213.2.922882
Telex: (408) 61561 AMB SU DZ
E-mail: ambrussi@mail.wissal.dz

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +213.2.921512
Fax: +213.2.922882
Telex: (408) 61561 CG SUA DZ

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Annaba, Algeria

Address: 1, Boulevard Fellah Rachid, Annaba, Algerie
Phone: +213 8 868-507
Fax: +213 8 864-261
Telex: (408) 81750 CG SUA DZ
E-mail: consulat@mail.ru

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Luanda, Angola

Address: Embaixada da Federacao da Russia, rua H.Boumedienne, 170, Luanda, C.P. 3141, Republica de Angola
Phone: +244.2.445-028
Fax: +244.2.445-320
Telex: (991) 2549 RUSEMBA AN
E-mail: russemb@netangola.com

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +244 2 365-038
Fax: +244.2.345-320

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Buenos-Aries, Argentina

Address: 1021, Capital Federal, Rodrigues Pena 1741, Republica Argentina
Phone: +54 1 813-1552, 813-8039
Fax: +54 1 815-6293
Telex: (33) 22147 EURSS AR
E-mail: embrusia@peoples.com.ar

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +54.11.4813-1552, 4813-8039
Fax: +54.11.4812-1794
Telex: 3322147

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Yerevan, Armenia

Address: 13A Grigora Lusavoricha ul., Yerevan, 375015, Armenia
Phone: +885.2.567-427
Fax: +885.2.567-197
E-mail: russia@arminco.com

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +885.2.582-463, 589-843
Fax: +885.2.589-843
Telex: 64243140
E-mail: ruscon@arminco.com

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Canberra, Australia

Address: 78 Canberra Avenue, Griffith, ACT 2603
Phone: +61.6.6295-9033
Fax: +61.6.6295-1847
Telex: (71) 61365 RUSPOSL AA
E-mail: rusemb@dynamite.com.au

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +61.6.295-9474
Fax: (71) 61365
Telex: +61..6295-1847

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Sydney, Australia

Address: 7-9 Fullerton Street, Woollahra, Sydney NSW 2025
phone : (02) 9326-1866, (02)9326-1702
fax: (02) 9327-5065
E-mail: ruscon@westnet.com.au

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Vienna, Austria

Address: Botschaft der Russischen Foderation in Osterreich, Reisnerstrasse 45-47, 1030 Wien, Osterreich
Phone: +43 1 712-1229, 713-8622
Fax: +43 1 712-3388
Telex: (47) 136278 UDSSR A
E-mail: rusemb@chello.at

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +43 1 712-3233
Fax: +43 1 714-7612
Telex: 47136278

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Salzburg, Austria

Address: Generalkonsulat der Russischen Foderation in Salzburg, Burgelsteinstrasse 2,
5020, Salzburg, Osterreich
Phone: +43 662 624-184
Fax: +43 662 217-434
Telex: (47) 632655 SCON A
E-mail: rusgencons@salzburg.telecom.at

Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the International Organizations in Vienna, Austria

Address: Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the International Organizations in Vienna, A-1220 Wien, Erzherzog Karl-Strasse 182
Phone: +43 1 282-5391, 282-5393
Fax: +43 1 280-5687
Telex: (47) 136129 SATUN A
E-mail: Rfms@atnet.at

Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the OBSE in Vienna, Austria

Address: A-1220 Wien, Erzherzog Karl-Strasse 182
Phone: +43 1 280-2762
Fax: +43 1 280-3190
E-mail: rfms@atnet.at

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Baku, Azerbaijan

Address: Hotel "Azerbaijan", Bakihanova ul., Baku, 370133, Embassy of the Russian Federation
Phone: +892 2 986-016
Fax: +892 2 986-083
E-mail: embrus@azdata.net

Consular and Visa Department
Phone: +994 12 906-083
Fax: +994 12 973-608, 973-613
Telex: 784142201 RK AI

Again, putin - HUILO

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