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Embassies in Pakistan (Starting with “A”) Mon - Feb, 10 2025

See also: Pakistani Embassies Worldwide

[ Pakistan home page ]

- Pakistan Embassies and Consulates worldwide

- Foreign Embassies and Consulates in Pakistan

See also: The National Anthem of Pakistan
See also: The Articles About Pakistan

Other Countries’ Embassies in Pakistan (choose a letter):

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | VW | XYZ

Honorary Consulate of Albania in Lahore, Pakistan:

New Campus Road, Lahore.
Tel: 92 41 583 4712, 583 6344.

Embassy of Argentina in Islamabad, Pakistan:

20 Hill Road, F-6/3, Islamabad.
Tel: 92 51 282 5561, 282 1242.
Fax: 92 51 282 5564.
E-mail: arge@paknet2.ptc.pk

Australian High Commission in Islamabad, Pakistan:

Constitution Ave. and Ispahani Rd. Diplomatic Enclave No. 1,
Sector G-5/4 Islamabad, Pakistan,
P.O. Box 1046 Islamabad.
Tel: 92 51 282 4345.
Fax: 92 51 282 0112

Embassy of Austria in Islamabad, Pakistan:

House No. 13, Street No. 1, F-6/3 Islamabad, Pakistan.
Tel: 92 51 2279 237.
Fax: 92 51 282 8366


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