Embassy of Ireland in Canberra, Australia - 20
Arkana Street, Yarralumla, ACT 2600, Canberra, Australia. Tel: (61)
06 273 3022 Fax: (61) 06 273 3741. E-mail: irishemb@cyberone.com.au
Embassy of Ireland in Prague, Czech Republic -
Velvyslanectv Irska Trziste 13, 118 00 Praha 1. Tel: (420 2) 5753
0061. Fax: (420 2) 5753 1387. E-mail: irishembassy@iol.cz
Embassy of Ireland in Beijing, China - No. 3,
Ri Tan Dong Lu, Beijing, China. Tel: (86 10) 6532 2691/2914 Fax:
(86 10) 6532 68 57 E-mail: beijing@iveagh.irlgov.ie
Embassy of Ireland in Berlin, Germany - Friedrichstrasse
200, Berlin 10117. Tel: (49) 030 22 0720. Fax: (49) 030 22 0722
Honorary Consulate of Ireland in Hong Kong - 6
Floor, Chung Nam Building, 1 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.
Tel: (852) 2527 48 97. Fax: (852) 2520 1833
of Ireland in Tokyo, Japan
- visit WEB-site
of Ireland in Seoul, Korea
- visit WEB-site
of Ireland in The Hague, Netherlands
- visit WEB-site
Consulate of Ireland in Karachi, Pakistan - American
Express Bank Ltd., Travel Related Services Shaheen Complex, Dr.
Ziauddin Ahmed Road, Karachi. Tel: (92 21) 920 6654 Fax: (92 21)
920 6656
of Ireland in Warsaw, Poland
- visit WEB-site
of Ireland in Singapore, Singapore
- visit WEB-site
of Ireland in Washington, United States of America
- visit WEB-site
Embassy of Ireland in Caracas, Venezuela - Torre
Alfa, PH, Avenida Principal de Santa Sofia, El Cafetal, Caracas.
Tel: (00 58 212) 985 62 71, 985 9341, 985 6771 Fax: (00 58 212)
986 9709
Honorary Consulate of Ireland in Caracas, Venezuela
- Centro Ciudad Comercial Tamance Primera Etapa, Oficina 504 Chuao,
Caracas 1080. Tel: (58 212) 959 8754, (58 212) 959 9049. E-mail:
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