Other Countries’ Embassies
in Germany (choose a letter):
| B
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| VW
Embassy of Ukraine in Germany
Address: Albrechtstrasse 2610117
Berlin, Deutschland/Germany
Phone: (4930) 288 87 116
Fax: (4930) 288 87 163
Working hours: 08:30 - 18:00
e-mail: emb_de@mfa.gov.ua
e-mail: ukremb@t-online.de
Web: www.botschaft-ukraine.de
Embassy of United Arab Emirates in Germany
Katharina-Heinroth-Ufer 1
Tel: +30 51 65 16
Fax: +30 51 65 19 00
Embassy of the United Kingdom in Germany
Wilhelmstraße 70
Tel: +30 20 45 7 0
Fax: +30 20 45 7 579
Email: info@britischebotschaft.de
Web: www.britischebotschaft.de
Embassy of United States of America in Germany
Neustadtische Kirchstraße 4-5
Tel: +30 8 30 50
Fax: +30 2 38 62 90
Web: www.usembassy.de
Embassy of Uruguay in Germany
Budapester Straße 39, 3. OG.
Tel: +30 263 90 16
Fax: +30 263 90 170
Email: urubrande@t-online.de
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