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Finland Embassies Worldwide Wed - Jan, 15 2025

The Flag of Finland
Finnish Embassies
The Finnish embassies worldwide
Embassies of Finland around the World
Embassies of Finland to Other Nations

See also: Foreign Embassies in Finland

See also: The World Factbook - Finland


Embassy of Finland in Buenos Aires, Argentina - WEB-site

Embassy of Finland in Canberra, Australia - WEB-site

Honorary Consulate of Finland in La Paz, Bolivia:

Avenida Sánchez Lima, Nº 2656 ,
Esq. Lisimaco Gutierrez, Casilla
Postal 954, La Paz.
Tel: (00 591 2) 430 500 - 430 170.
Fax: (00 591 2) 0811 2221.
E-mail: jcumin@ceibo.entelnet.bo

Embassy of Finland in Brasilia, Brazil - WEB-site

Embassy of Finland in Ottawa, Canada - WEB-site

Embassy of Finland in Santiago, Chile:

Alcantara 200, Oficina. 201,
Las Condes, Santiago de Chile,
Apartado Postal Embajada de Finlandia,
Casilla 16657, Santiago - 9.
Tel: (00 56 2) 263 4917.
Fax: (00 56 2) 263 4701.
E-mail: embajada@finlandia.co.cl

Embassy of Finland in Beijing, China - WEB-site

Honorary Consulate of Finland in Bogota, Colombia:

Avenida El Dorado No. 69A-51,
Interior 1, Piso 5, A.A. 75155,
Santa Fe de Bogotá, Colombia.
Tel: (00 57 1) 410 9349 - 412 4111.
Fax: (00 57 1) 410 9393.
E-mail: oficina.berlin@t-online.de

Embassy of Finland in Zagreb, Croatia:

Berislaviceva 2/I 10000
Zagreb, Croatia.
Tel: 4811662 .
Fax: 4819946.

Embassy of Finland in Copenhagen, Denmark - WEB-site

Embassy of Finland in Berlin, Germany - WEB-site

Embassy of Finland in Guatemala City, Guatemala:

2a Calle 18-37, Zona 15, VH 1 Casa No. 1,
Ciudad de Guatemala,
Apartado Postal 2042 01901 Guatemala.
Tel: (00 502) 365 9270.
Fax: (00 502) 365 9271.
E-mail: imesland@infovia.com.gt

Embassy of Finland in Jakarta, Indonesia:

Menara Rajawali, 9 th floor Jalan Mega Kuningan,
Lot 5.1, Kawasan Mega Kuningan, Jakarta 12950.
Tel: + 62-21-576 1650.
Fax: + 62-21-576 1631.

Embassy of Finland in Tel Aviv, Israel - WEB-site

Embassy of Finland in Rome, Italy - WEB-site

Embassy of Finland in Tokyo, Japan - WEB-site

Embassy of Finland in Vilnius, Lithuania:

Klaipedos gatve 6, 3rd floor,
Vilnius, Postal Code: 2600.
Tel: + 370 5 212 16 21.
Fax: + 370 5 212 24
E-mail: sanomat.vil@formin.fi

Embassy of Finland in Mexico City, Mexico - WEB-site

Embassy of Finland in Windhoek, Namibia - WEB-site

Embassy of Finland in Kathmandu, Nepal - WEB-site

Embassy of Finland in Oslo, Norway - WEB-site

Embassy of Finland in Islamabad, Pakistan:

H.No. 11, St. No.88, G-6/3, Islamabad.
Tel: 2828426.
Fax: 2828427.

Embassy of Finland in Moscow, Russia - WEB-site

General Consulate of Finland in St. Petersburg, Russia - WEB-site

Embassy of Finland in Singapore, Singapore - WEB-site

Embassy of Finland in Madrid, Spain - WEB-site

Finland Trade Centre in Taipei, Taiwan:

Rm. 7E-04, 5 Shinyi Rd., Sec. 5, Taipei, Taiwan,
110, R.O.C.
Tel: 27 22-0764.
Fax: 2725-1517.

Embassy of Finland in Bangkok, Thailand:

16th Fl, Amarin Plaza, 500 Ploenchit Rd,
Patumwan, Bangkok 103 30.
Tel: 256-9306-9, 256-9511-3.
Fax: 256-9310.

Embassy of Finland in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates:

Al Masaood Tower, 12th floor, office 1202 Hamdan Street,
Abu Dhabi. P.O. Box 3634. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
Tel: + 971- 2- 632 8927.
Fax: + 971-2- 6 32 5063.
E-mail: sanomat.abo@formin.fi

Embassy of Finland in London, United Kingdom - WEB-site

Permanent Mission of Finland to The United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland:

Rue du Pré-de-la-Bichette 1 Case postale 198 1211
Genève 20.
Tel: + 41 22 / 919 42 42.
Fax: +41 22 / 740 02 87.

General Consulate of Finland in Los Angeles, United State of America - WEB-site

General Consulate of Finland in New York, United States of America - WEB-site

Permanent Mission of Finland to The United Nations in New York, United States of America - WEB-site

Embassy of Finland in Washington, United States of America - WEB-site

Embassy of Finland in Lusaka, Zambia - WEB-site

The Flag of Finland
Finnish Embassies
The Finnish embassies worldwide
Embassies of Finland around the World
Embassies of Finland to Other Nations

See also: Foreign Embassies in Finland

See also: The World Factbook - Finland


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