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Cosulates in Boston, Massachusetts Mon - Oct, 14 2024

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All diplomatic missions in Boston, Massachusetts

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This is a list of diplomatic missions in Boston, Massachusetts. The following are of countries which have established a resident consular presence in the city of Boston. A number of foreign governments have established diplomatic and trade representation in the city of Boston, Massachusetts.

For other diplomatic missions in the United States, see List of diplomatic missions in the United States.

General Consulates in Boston, Massachusetts, USA

* Austria - Grand Rabbi Y. A. Korff, Consul-General - 15 School Street, 5th Floor (Financial District)

Austrian Consulate Boston

Consul Grand Rabbi Y. A. Korff
Telephone 617.227.3131
FAX 617.227.8420
Postal address - 15 School Street -- 5th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02108
Electronic mail - Info@Austria-BOS.org
URL - http://www.austria-bos.org/

* Brazil - Consul-General - 20 Park Plaza, Suite 1420, Boston, MA 02116 (Back Bay)

Consulate General of Brazil in Boston

Telefone:(617)542-4000 - Fax:(617)542-4318
Telefone de contato para emergencias consulares: 617-816-6315
URL - http://www.consulatebrazil.org/

* Canada - Neil Le Blanc, Consul-General - 3 Copley Place, Suite 400 (Back Bay/South End)

Consulate General of Canada in Boston

Three Copley Place, Suite 400
Boston, MA 02116
Telephone: (617) 247-5100
Fax: (617) 247-5190
Email: bostn@international.gc.ca
Hours of Operation
The Canadian Consulate General is open Monday - Friday, 8:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
URL - http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/boston/

* Cape Verde - Consul-General

Cape Verde Consulate General in Boston

* Colombia - Consul-General - 31 Saint James Avenue, Suite 960 (Back Bay)

Colombian Consulate General in Boston

Linea de atencion gratuita, 24 horas: 1-888-764-3326
31 St James Ave. Suit 960, Boston, MA 02116
Telefono: 617.536.6222 Fax: 617.536.9372
Horarios de atencion: Lunes a Viernes de 7:30 am 1:30 pm
URL - http://www.consuladodecolombiaboston.com/

* Dominican Republic - Consul-General - 20 Park Plaza, Suite 601 (Back Bay)

Dominican Consulate General in Boston

Address: 20 Park Plaza, Suite 601
Boston, MA 02116
Phone: (617) 472-8121
Fax: (617) 482-8133
URL - http://www.domrep.org/consulates_us.html

* El Salvador - 143 Border Street (East Boston)

El Salvador Consulate General in Boston

Consul General - Jose Edgardo Aleman Molina
Viceconsul - Ena Ursula Pena Pena
Address 143 Border Street, East Boston, MA 02128
Telephone (617) 567-8484
Fax (617) 567-8686
Jurisdiction Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont
URL - http://www.elsalvador.org/embajadas/eeuu/home.nsf/consularinfo

* France - Francois Gauthier, Consul-General - 31 Saint James Avenue, Suite 750 (Back Bay)

Consulate General of France in Boston

31 Saint James Avenue, Park Square Building - Suite 750 - Boston, MA 02116
Tel:(617) 832 4400
Fax :(617) 542 8054
Adresse electronique : consulat@consulfrance-boston.org.
Email address for the visa section : visas.boston-fslt@diplomatie.gouv.fr
Jurisdiction: Massachusetts - Maine - New Hampshire - Rhode Island - Vermont

- The Chancellery is open to the public Monday-Friday from 9:00am-12:30pm. Appointments in the afternoon.
- The Visa office is open to the public by appointment only Monday-Friday from 9:00am-12:30pm except on holidays.
Pick-up hours are Monday to Friday in between 2:30 and 4:30pm only, with your printed receipt

Consulate General of France in Boston

URL - http://www.consulfrance-boston.org/

* Germany - Friedrich Lohr, Consul-General - 3 Copley Place, Suite 500 (Back Bay/South End)

German Consulate General Boston

Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany
Three Copley Place, Suite 500
Boston, MA 02116
Phone (617) 369 4900 or (617) 369 4934 (operator)
Fax (617) 369 4940 or Fax (617) 369 4944 (Consular Department)
URL - http://www.germany.info/Vertretung/usa/en/03__Consulates/Boston/00/__Home.html

Office Hours:

Passport Section
Monday - Friday: 09.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m.
by appointment only

Visa Section
Monday - Friday: 09.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m.
new visa applications will be accepted untill 11.30 a.m.
(walk-in service - no appointments necessary)

Visitor Hours
Monday - Friday: 09.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m.
(walk-in service - no appointments necessary)

Office Hours
Monday - Thursday: 07.30 a.m. - 4.30 p.m.
Friday: 7.30 a.m. - 3.00 p.m.
(The office can be reached by phone during these hours)

* Greece - Konstantinos Orfandis, Consul-General - 86 Beacon Street (Back Bay/Beacon Hill)

General Consulate of Greece in Boston

Consulate General - Boston
86 Beacon Street
Boston , MA 02108
Telephone: 617.523.0100
Fax: 617.523.0511
Web Address of Consulate General in Boston
States of Jurisdiction: Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont
Hours of Operation: Mo - We & Fr 9:30am - 1:30pm, Th 9:30am - 1:30pm & 2:30pm - 4:30pm
URL - http://www.mfa.gr/www.mfa.gr/en-US

* Haiti - Consul-General - 545 Boylston Street, Suite 201 (Back Bay)

* Ireland - Niall Burgess, Consul-General - 535 Boylston Street, 5th Floor (Back Bay)

Consulate General of Ireland in Boston

535 Boylston Street, Floor 5,
Boston, MA 02116
PH: +1 617 267 9330
Fax: +1 617 267 6375
Public opening hours: 10am to 3pm.
Telephone calls are answered between 9am and 5pm.
URL - http://www.consulategeneralofirelandboston.org/

* Israel - Nadav Tamir, Consul-General - 20 Park Plaza, Suite 1020 (Back Bay)

Consulate General of Israel in Boston

20 Park Plaza, Suite 1020
Boston, MA 02116
Tel: (617) 535-0200
Fax: (617) 535-0255
E-mail: cons1@boston.mfa.gov.il
The Consular Services section is open to the public Monday through Friday 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM, but will be closed for all national and Jewish holidays.
Jurisdiction: Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont
URL - http://www.israelinne.org/

* Italy - Liborio Stellino, Consul-General - 600 Atlantic Avenue, 17th Floor (Financial District)

Consolato Generale d`Italia a Boston

600 Atlantic Avenue 17th floor
Boston, MA 02210-2206
Tel. 617 722-9201/2/3
Fax 617 722 9407

Italian Consulate-General in Boston

URL - http://www.consboston.esteri.it/Consolato_Boston

* Japan - Takeshi Hikihara, the Consul General of Japan in Boston. - 600 Atlantic Avenue, 22nd Floor (Financial District)

Consulate-General of Japan in Boston

600 Atlantic Avenue, 22nd Floor
Boston, MA 02210
Tel: (617) 973-9772
Fax: (617) 542-1329
* Connecticut (except for Fairfield County, which is under the jurisdiction of the Consulate General of Japan in New York)
* Maine
* Massachusetts
* New Hampshire
* Rhode Island
* Vermont
Office Hours: Mon - Fri 9:00 - 17:30
Consular Affairs Section (Visa, Japanese Passport, Family Resistration, etc.)
Mon - Fri 9:00 - 12:15, 13:15 - 16:00
e-mail infocul@cgjbos.org

Consulate General of Japan in Boston

URL - http://www.boston.us.emb-japan.go.jp/

* Mexico - Consul-General - 20 Park Plaza, Suite 506 (Back Bay)

Consulate General of Mexico in Boston

Estamos ubicados en:
20 Park Plaza, Suite 506,
Boston Ma. 02116 EE.UU.

Linea de informacion conmutador
(617) 426-4181/4942/8782 (617) 350-5263/5264/5266
Servicio gratuito: 1 (800) 601-1289
Fax (617) 695-1957
Correo electronico cmxboston@sre.gob.mx

URL - http://portal.sre.gob.mx/boston/

* Peru - Consul-General - 20 Park Plaza, Suite 511 (Back Bay)

Consulado General del Perú - Boston

Local Consular: 20 Park Plaza, Suite 511
Boston, Massachusetts 02116 US
Telefonos: (617) 338-2227
Fax: (617) 338-2742
Telefono de Emergencia:(617) 669-4627 (Exclusivamente para emergencias)

Consultas en General: consuladogeneral@conperboston.com
Para Pasaportes, Visas, Salvoconductos: pasaportes@conperboston.com

Jurisdiccion: En los Estados de Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire y Vermont.

Horario de Atencion al Publico: De lunes a viernes de 8:30 AM a 1:30 PM
Tercer sabado del mes de 8:30 AM a 1:30 PM.

URL - http://www.consuladoperu.com/

* Portugal - Consul-General

Consulado Geral de Portugal - Boston

699 Boylston Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02116, USA
Tel: (617) 536-8740
Fax: (001.617) 536. 25.03
Email: mail@cgbos.dgaccp.pt

Segundas, Tercas, Quintas e Sextas-feiras das 9.00 as 14.00 horas
Quartas-feiras das 9.00 as 16.30 horas

Portugal general consulate in Boston

URL - http://secomunidades.pt/web/boston

* Spain - Consul-General - 31 Saint James Avenue, Suite 905 (Back Bay)

Consulado de España en Boston

Consul General: D. Pablo Sanchez-Teran
Direccion: 31 St.James Avenue, Suite 905 Boston. MA. 02116.
Telefonos desde Espana: 00 1 617 536 25 06; 00 1 617 536 25 27.
Telefono: 536 25 06; 536 25 27.
Fax: (1 617) 536 85 12.
E-mail: cog.boston@maec.es

Spain consulate in Boston

URL - http://www.maec.es/subwebs/Consulados/Boston/es/home/Paginas/Home.aspx

* Thailand - Consul-General - 41 Union Street (Financial District)

Thai Consulate Boston

41 Union St
Boston, MA 02108
(617) 720-8424
E-mail: cg@thaiconsulatebos.org or acg@thaiconsulatebos.org

URL - http://www.thaiconsulatebos.org/

* Venezuela - Omar Sierra, Consul-General - 545 Boylston Strett, 3rd Floor (Back Bay)

Consulate General of Venezuela in Boston

545 Boylston St.
3th Floor
Boston MA 02116
Phone #: (617) 266-9368
Fax #: (617) 266-2350
Office hours: 9:00 am -3:30 pm Monday to Friday
Consular Services: 9:00 am- 1:30 pm Monday to Friday
Jurisdiccion: Massachusetts, Maine y New Hampshire
E-mail: consulado@boston.embavenez-us.org or boston.embavenez-us.org

Consulate General of Venezuela in Boston

URL - http://www.embavenez-us.org/_boston/

General Consulates in Cambridge, Massachusetts

* United Kingdom - Phil Budden, Consul-General - One Broadway - Kendall Square, (Cambridge)

British Consulate-General - Boston

Address: One Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02142

Phone: (1)(617) 245 4500
Notarial Services must have an appointment: (617) 245-4500
Fax: (1)(617) 621 0220

Office hours:
GMT: Mon-Fri: 1400-2200
Local Time: Mon-Fri: 0900-1700
Consular: 0900 - 1200 (local time)

URL - http://ukinusa.fco.gov.uk/en/about-us/

* Switzerland - Pascal Marmier, Director, Consul - 420 Broadway - Mid-Cambridge, (Cambridge)

Consulate of Switzerland in Boston

420 Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02138-4231
United States of America

Phone * 001 617 876 3076
Fax * 001 617 876 3079

E-Mail pascal@swissnexboston.org

URL - http://www.swissnexboston.org

General Consulates in Newton, Massachusetts

* South Korea - Jooseok Kim, Consul-General - 300 Washington Street, Suite 251 (Newton)

Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Boston

Korean Consulate General in Boston
One Gateway Center, Suite 251.
300 Washington Street, Newton, MA 02458

Phone 617-641-2830 (Korean) Toll Free: 866-549-1607
617-641-2833 (English)
Fax 617-641-2831

E-mail - kcgboston@mofat.go.kr


BUS : 504(Downtown Crossing, China town to Newton Corner)
502(Copley Sq. to Newton Corner)
57(Kenmore Sq. B.U. to Newton Corner)
One gateway building is on the opposite side of the street. It`s on the 2nd floor

Commuter Rail : South Station(Framingham & Worcester) to NewtonVille (About 1.5mile from Newton Corner)

Driving : I-90(Mass. Turnpike)Exit.17, Building next to Crowne Plaza Hotel.

Parking: Street Parking or Parking lot of Crowne Plaza Hotel($4 for an hour)

Business Hours
Monday to Friday (9:00 AM- 5:00 PM) except holidays
Lunch time: 12:00PM- 1:00PM

Holidays Observed [ National Korean Holidays ]

Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Boston

URL - http://usa-boston.mofat.go.kr/eng/index.jsp

Honorary Consulates in Boston, Massachusetts

* Bolivia

Consulate of Bolivia in Boston

85 Devonshire St
Boston, MA 02109

Tel: (617) 227-4481

URL - http://bolivia.visahq.com/embassy/United-States/

* Denmark

Royal Danish Consulate in Boston

Royal Danish Consulate
60 State Street, 11th Floor
Boston, MA 02109
Tel: (617) 542-1415
Fax: (617) 482-6201
Off. hours 10 am - 2 pm

E-mail: jacob.friis@alum.mit.edu

URL - http://www.gknewyork.um.dk/en

* Finland

Honorary Consulate General of Finland in Boston

Mr. Leonard Kopelman, Honorary Consul General
Address: Honorary Consulate General of Finland
101 Arch Street, 12th floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1109 U.S.A

Tel. +1-617-654 1800
Fax: +1-617-654 1735

E-mail: LKopelman@k-plaw.com

URL - http://www.finland.org/public/Default.aspx?culture=en-US&contentlan=2

* Hungary

Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Hungary Boston, USA

Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Hungary
111 Huntington Avenue, Boston MA 02199

Consulate Voice Mail: +1 617 342 4022
Consulate Email: hconsulate@foley.com
Foley direct: 617 226 3190
Foley email: ilosonci@foley.com

URL - http://consulate-hungary-boston.com/

* Lebanon

Honorary Consulate of Lebanon in Boston, USA

366 N. Main Street, Andover, MA 01810

Telephone: 978-289-4142 - 978-289-4143 - 978-289-4144
Fax: 978-289-4145

Email: abrahamhanna@hotmail.com

URL - http://honconslebbost.org/index.html

* Netherlands

Honorary Consulate of the Netherlands in Boston

Netherlands Consulate
Park Plaza Office Building
20 Park Plaza, Suite 524
Boston, MA
For appointments please call:
617-542-8452 (phone)
617-542-3304 (fax)
nl.govbos@verizon.net (email)

Starting December 21, 2009, all applicants for visa, Dutch passports or other consular matters are required to have an appointment when visiting the Consulate in Boston. Please send an e-mail to: nl.govbos@verizon.net, subject line: appointment request or call 617-542-8452 to set up an apointment.

Jurisdiction: Consulate-General New York
Honorary Consulate: YES
Consul: Mr. Hans Gieskes

URL - http://dc.the-netherlands.org/Config/Honorary_Consulates

* Norway

Royal Norwegian Consulate in Boston

Honorary Consul Terje Korsnes
Royal Norwegian Consulate
253 Summer Street, 2nd floor
Boston, MA 02210

Tel: (617) 423 2515
Fax: (617) 423 2057

E-mail: tkorsnes@nordicgroupusa.com

URL - http://www.norway.org/Embassy/Honorary-Consulates-General/

* Pakistan

Honorary Consulate General of Pakistan Boston

1032 Main St, Suite 5
Millis, Ma 02054

Tel: 617-267-9000
Fax: 617-266-6666

Email: pakistan@tiac.net

URL - http://www.embassyofpakistanusa.org/Boston.php

* Poland

Consulate of the Republic of Poland in Boston

Honorary Consul Marek Lesniewski-Laas
22 Pratt Court
Cohasset, Massachusetts 02025

phone (617) 357-1980
fax (781) 383-8384

e-mail: PolishConsul@comcast.net

Consular District includes the States of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine.

Consulate of the Republic of Poland in Boston

URL - http://polishconsul.tripod.com/

URL - http://www.washington.polemb.net/index.php?document=108

* Romania

Honorary Consulate of Romania in Boston

Bine Ati Venit pe situl Consulatului Onorific al Romaniei in Boston

tel 617 547-2378 or 617 497-1111

E-mail: roconsulboston@aol.com

URL - http://www.roconsulboston.com/

* Sweden

Consulate of Sweden in Boston, USA

253 Summer Street, Suite 203
Boston, MA 02210

Phone: (617) 451-3456
Fax: (617) 423-2057

District: The states of Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont.
Visiting hours: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 10:30 am – 2:30 pm

E-mail: boston@consulateofsweden.org

URL - http://www.swedenabroad.com/


* Turkey

Turkish Consulate in Boston, USA

Adress: 31 St. James Avenue,
Suite 840,
Boston, MA,

Tel: 1 617 451 13 29
1 857 207 92 84

email: consulate.boston at mf gov tr

Hours of Operation: 9am-5pm

Non sovereign

* Taiwan

Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Boston


99 Summer Street, Suite 801,
Boston, MA 02110
Tel.: (617) 737-2050
Emergency Tel: (617) 650-9252
Fax: (617) 737-1260
Email: tecob@tecoboston.org

Website: http://www.tecoboston.org/
http://www.mofa.gov.tw/dp.asp?mp=6 (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China)

Office Hours: Mo-Fr 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

URL - http://www.taiwanembassy.org/US/BOS/mp.asp?mp=22

The content above was published at AllEmbassies.com in October, 2010.
We don’t guarantee the information is fresh and accurate. The data may be wrong or outdated.
For more up-to-date information please refer to other sources.

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