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Foreign Embassies in Greece Wed - Jan, 15 2025

The Greek Flag

Embassies in Greece
Foreign Embassies to Greece
Embassies of Other Nations to Greece

See also: Greek Embassies Worldwide

See also: The World Factbook - Greece


Australian Embassy - Education Department
37 Dim. Soutsou, 15121 Athens
Tel.: +30 210 6450404
Fax: +30 210 6466595

Austrian Embassy - Education Department
26 Alexandras Av., 10683 Athens
Tel.:+30 210 8257230, 8257240
Fax: + 30 210 8219823

Belgian Embassy
3 Sekeri, 10671 Athens
Tel.: +30 210 3617886-7
Fax: + 30 210 3604289

Bulgarian Embassy - Education Department
33A Str. Kallari, 15452 P.Psichiko
Tel.: +30 210 6748105-8, 6748130
Fax: + 30 210 6748130

Canadian Embassy - Education Department
4 Ioan. Gennadiou, 11521 Athens
Tel.: +30 210 7273206, 7273309
Fax: + 30 210 7273475

Cypriot Embassy - Education Department ‘The House of Cyprus’
10 Heraclitou & Skoufa, 10673 Athens
Tel.: +30 210 3641217-8
Fax: + 30 210 3602894

Czech Embassy - Education Department
6 G. Sepheri, 15452 P. Psichiko
Tel.: +30 210 6725332, 6713755, 6719701
Fax: + 30 210 6725332

Danish Embassy
11 Vas. Sophias, 10671 Athens
Tel.: +30 210 3608315
Fax: + 30 210 3636163

Dutch Embassy - Education Department
5-7 Vas. Konstantinou, 10674 Athens
Tel.:+30 210 7239701-4
Fax: + 30 210 7248900

Esthonian Embassy
48-50 Patriarchou Ioakim, Athens
Tel.: +30 210 7229803

Finnish Embassy
Embassy of Finland, Athens, Greece

Visiting address: Embassy of Finland
Hatziyianni Mexi 5, 115 28 Athens

Postal address: Embassy of Finland P.O. Box 18123
11610 Athens Greece

Tel. +30-210-72 55 860
Fax: +30-210-72 55 864
E-mail: sanomat.ate@formin.fi

Ambassador Ole Norrback (+30) 6974-809805
Second man Sami Pirkkala (+30) 6977-219444
Consul Leena Vuorio (+30) 6977-466090

Customer Service: Mon-Fri 9.00-12.00

The Embassy of Finland is situated on Hatziyianni Mexi 5 in Athens, very near to Hilton hotel. The nearest metro-station is Megaro Mousikis. Busses A5, G5, E7, 408, 419, 450, 550, 601 and 603 have a stop on Vasilissis Sofias street. Trolleys 3, 7, 8 and 13 has a stop on Vasilissis Sofias and also the airport line E95.

French Embassy in Athens, Greece
Ambassade de France en Grèce

Ambassade de France en Grèce
7 avenue Vassilissis Sophias
106 71 Athènes
Tél. : (30) 210 339 10 00
Télécopie : (30) 210 339 10 09
E-mail: ambafran@first.gr

German Embassy - Education Department
3 Karaoli & Dimitriou, 10675 Athens
Tel.: +30 210 7285111
Fax: + 30 210 7251205

Hungarian Embassy - Education Department
16 Calavou, 15452 N. Psichiko
Tel.:+30 210 6723753, 6725337, 6725994
Fax: + 30 210 6740890

Yugoslavian Embassy - Education Department
106 Vas. Sophias
Tel.: +30 210 7774344, 7774355
Fax: + 30 210 7796436

Swiss Embassy - Education Department
2 Iasiou, 11521 Athens
Tel.: +30 210 7230364-6
Fax: + 30 210 7249209

USA Embassy - Fulbright Foundation
6 Vas. Sophias, 10674 Athens
Tel.: +30 210 7241811-2
Fax: + 30 210 7226510

Irish Embassy - Education Department
5-7 Vas. Konstantinou, 10674 Athens
Tel.: +30 210 7232771-2
Fax: + 30 210 7240217

Spanish Embassy - Education Department
21 Dion. Areopagitou, Athens
Tel.: +30 210 9213123

Italian Embassy - Education Department
11 I. Soutsou, Gizi, 11474 Athens
Tel.:+30 210 6438668 - 6438258
Fax: + 30 210 6438845

Latvian Embassy
9 Herodotou Athens
Tel.: +30 210 7294478

Lithuanian Embassy
49 Vas. Sophias Athens
Tel.: +30 210 7294356

Embassy of Luxembourg
11 Skoufa, 10673 Athens
Tel.: +30 210 3603104

Embassy of Great Britain - Education Department
14 Likavitou, 10673 Athens
Tel.:+30 210 3692333
Fax: + 30 210 3634769

Portuguese Embassy - Education Department
23 Vas. Sophias, 10671 Athens
Tel.: +30 210 7290096 - 7297505
Fax: + 30 210 7290055 - 7245122

Polish Embassy
22 Chrisanthemon, 15254 P. Psichiko
Tel.:+30 210 6778260 - 6775472
Fax: + 30 210 6718394

Slovakian Embassy - Education Department
4 G. Sepheri, 15452 P. Psichiko
Tel.: +30 210 6776757
Fax: + 30 210 6776760
Fax: +30 210 6776760

Slovenian Embassy - Education Department
10 Mavili, 15452 P. Psichiko
Tel.:+30 210 6775683 - 5
Fax: + 30 210 6775680

Swedish Embassy
7 Vas. Konstantinou Athens
Tel.: +30 210 726610

South African Embassy in Athens, Greece

South African Embassy
60 Kifissias Avenue
151 25 Marousi

P.O. Box 61152
Athens 151 10

Telephone Numbers:
+30 210 610 6645
+30 210 610 6646
+30 210 610 6647

Fax Numbers:
+30 210 610 6640
+30 210 610 6636

Email Addresses:
General Inquiries: embassy@southafrica.gr
Consular Section: consular@southafrica.gr
Trade Section: sa-trade@southafrica.gr

South African Honorary Consul-General in Thessaloniki, Greece:

South African Honorary Consul-General
Tsimiski 51
546 25 Thessaloniki

Telephone Number: +30 2310 274393

South African Honorary Consul-General in Nikosia, Cyprus:

South African Honorary Consul-General
101 Archbishop Makarios III Avenue
1506 Nikosia

P.O. Box 1312
1506 Nicosia

Telephone Number: +357 2 374411
Fax Number: +357 2 377011

The Greek Flag

Embassies in Greece
Foreign Embassies to Greece
Embassies of Other Nations to Greece

See also: Greek Embassies Worldwide

See also: The World Factbook - Greece


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